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Welcome To My Crappy Band Of The Week Section:
I have found a new low for this section. These goons think that they can predict the end of the world. Their names are "Violent J" and "Shaggy 2 Dope".

Their names should be "Dumbass J" and "Too Stupid 2 think". They refer to each other as Jugalos. I have no idea what could cause people to put on makeup and act so stupid. They must have done a lot of drugs that fried their brains.

So with their heads of mush they spew this garbage that people refer to as music. I have no idea what causes kids to listen to their crap, paint themselves up like them and to idolize these worthless pieces of garbage.

Stay tuned to this section...
It changes weekly cause there are so many of them out there. Don't be offended if I happen to name a band you like, it's just my musical opinion.

Leave your opinions in my guest book for our future "band of the weeks".